Sunday, July 17, 2011

Web Isshukan 10th Anniversary Long Interview [Part Four]

w-inds. appearing in five consecutive weeks!                                                
4: Answers Regarding their 10th Anniversary! [first installment]              

----- Being your tenth anniversary, we were thinking about doing a ten question theme talk for this time and next time.

Keita: Yes, definitely! Go ahead!

----- After the last interview's questionnaire, we gathered things people would like to ask the members [of w-inds.], but there's a mix of [different] questions. And so, we'll start right away. ① What was your favourite jacket cover?

Ryuichi: This most recent best album! We've got a good balance and since we shot it I'd thought we took some good pictures.

Keita: Same here, I with the jacket pictures, i like our recent style. In the past, there were a lot of things that really determined things [for us] and it was terrible (lol).

----- Things like your facial expression? Perhaps like your poses?

Keita: Yes.

Ryohei: For me, it's been our recent Let;s Get it On/Be As One.

----- This is a question from our readers. ② In your 10 years, who changed the most?

Ryuichi: That'd be Keita!

Keita: Yeah. Wasn't it me?

Ryohei: You['ve become] someone else.

Ryuichi: Overall, you changed. Your beliefs, your personality, your love for me... you've quickly changed, haven't you.

----- Your feelings have deepened, haven't they? (lol)

Ryuichi: (looks at Keita as if he's saying, "Isn't that right?)

Keita: ahahaha! (lol)

----- Keita-kun, you also think you've changed the most?

Keita: I believe so. The way I look at things and the way I think have changed; I used to be pretty impatient in the past. I guess I kind of lost that [part of me].

----- In opposition to that, who's changed the least?

Ryuichi: Probably Ryohei. I get the feeling that, at his pace, he's changed at his own rate.

Ryohei: Well, in me there are parts that have definitely changed. For example, I've become able to understand peoples' pain. Even now, looking back at the past, there were  times where I felt really sorry.

Keita: Yeah, there are.

Ryuichi: I get it[,too]. There are [those times].

Ryohei: The other thing that's changed is, I don't show off anymore!

Everyone: ahahaha

----- What? You were messing around like that before? (lol)

Ryohei: Rather than showing off, I was really popular (lol).

Everyone: <insert laugh here>

----- if you could go back to one day in these ten years, which day would it be?

Keita: Ah! So that's like, you'd return to that day,  [but] you wouldn't correct everything from that day until now. It's just htat one day?

----- Yes, yes. You're only allowed one day.

Ryuichi: For one day, where would I return... I could correct a mistake,  or experience the best day [of my life] once more...

Keita: Ah, this is so hard, right here!

Ryuichi: For me, it'd be that time (the day before a live event), and I wouldn't go for French food! I wouldn't eat the pidgeon cuisine! [reference to part 1]

Keita: You'd go back to that day, and not eat French food? (lol)

Ryuichi: Yeah. I'd go for fast food. (lol)

Ryohei: For me, it would be the time we took part in South Korea's Asia Song Festival. There was something that looked like a press conference, and Girls Generation said, ""w-inds. would like to do a collaboration."

----- Is that so. That was Girls Generation (SNSD) before they debuted in Japan!

Ryohei: That's right. That's why i should have said,  "In five years, definitely debut in Japan!"

Keita: THat's right. (lol) What would I do...? There are so many times where I made mistakes, but not as much as the obstacles I've had recently.

Ryohei: Right.

Keita: Maybe I'd go back to a moment we had fun ♪ A really fun time... Were there any? 

Ryuichi and Ryohei: ahahaha (lol). 

Ryuichi: We've finished!

Ryuichi: Ah, look! Okinawa was fun, right??

Keita: Oh, yeah. That was fun!

Ryuichi: And then there was Miyazaki, the time we debuted, we went, right?

Keita: ...Miyazaki...?

Ryuichi: Fine, at Sasebo!

Keita: That was "Nagasaki." (lol)

Ryuichi: "Kawasaki". It's far away, isn't it. 

Everyone: <laughs>

----- ④ Do you remember the first day you gave an autograph?

Ryuichi: There was the time we all lived together, right.

Keita: Yeah. We thought that we'd sign our names with everyone. 

----- A signing meeting? (lol)

Keita: Yes. A signing meeting (lol). 

Ryohei: But mine probably didn't go anywhere.

Keita: Really??

Ryohei: Yeah. You two did it, but I couldn't at all. At first I wrote my name in romaji. Like, "RYOHEI." (lol) It was a design. (lol)

Everyone: hahaha

----- Did you think about all sorts of signatures?

Keita: Yes, we did. To do it kanji or to do it in English...

Ryohei: Yeah. But eventually, my sister ended up thinking of [my signature] for me.

Keita: Wha?!

----- Is that so!! So, ⑤ Of the hairstyles in your ten years, is there anything you really liked or, as the opposite, something you think you can't do any longer?

Ryohei: There is!! My favourite was when it was really short. 

Keita: Your blond hear, right?

Ryohei: Right, yeah. During our Seventh Ave album time. I was thinking if I should do it a second time with brown hair, when my hair was at its longest with a bit of blonde. Around the time of "Love is the Greatest Thing." 

Keita: That was good, wasn't it. I also had blond hair [at one point]!

Ryohei: Looking [back] at that, it's unforgivable! (lol) Saying you'll do it the second time. Even looking now, I really don't think I'll do it a second time. What about you two? There's nothing [you'd find] inexcusable?  (lol)

Keita: Ahaha (laughs). Well, for me it'd be that ash hairstyle from Another Days. 

Ryuichi: Why?! What's wrong with that one?

Keita: Eh... but I'm already 25, you know.

Ryohei: Controversially, if you do it with your current style, you're probably okay. 

Keita: But I'm 25, and that hairstyle is kinda... you know...

Ryuichi: It's okay. If you do it now with your current height, might it be cooler? 

Keita: Really? Then should I do it? (lol) Sorry, I'll reconsider my thinking! (lol)

Ryohei: If you do that now, it'd probably be kinda suggestive[, wouldn't it?] (lol)

Keita: WHAAAT?! (laughs)

Ryuichi: Sexy?

Ryohei: No... more than sexy, i have a feeling it'd be kinda lewd. 

Everyone: <insert laugh here>

----- What about Ryuichi-kun?

Ryuichi: Braided hair! Well, I've probably had enough of that, but..

Keita: From the time we debuted?

Ryuichi: Yeah. My hair would hurt, it took time [to braid], and it was terrible! 

Ryohei: You really disliked that, didn't you. But since this is about braiding your hair again, in order to fix [your problem] think a long time about going with that same hairstyle.

----- That's true. Basically, your hair gives you a good image, Ryuichi-kun.

Ryuichi: It was always good, huh. 

----- Yes. Thats why your current short hair is very refreshing!

Keita: What are you going to do tonight? Will you let it grow out?

Ryuichi: I want to get it cut shorter!

Keita: You're going to go for [names] like "Short [haired] Ogata", then? (lol)

Ryuichi: Yeah. For now it feels good, so I'll relax. But it looks like Keita's hairstyle and my current one [are the same except] they're different colours. (lol)

Keita: You're copying mine! (lol). 

Ryuichi: Our birthdays are different by one day, so we've resembled each other. 

Keita: No, you're consciously [copying] me. (lol)

Everyone: ahaha! (laughs)

to be directed to the original news article, please click here.


    they are just.... SO CUTE omg KT should have the ash coloured hairstyle again, I love it!

    Anw, there was this line in question 5 which I think is Ryohei's not Keita's: "Right, yeah. During our Seventh Ave album time. I was thinking if I should do it a second time with brown hair, when my hair was at its longest with a bit of blonde. Around the time of "Love is the Greatest Thing."

    thanksssss *hug*

  2. that is Ryohei's. What was I doing... Sorry! Thanks for the correction!!!

  3. I left this part to read for the last lol.
    I cant stop smiling when I'm reading this! They are so cute!!! This interview must have brought back their remarkable memories and that was so great. The guys are so funny hahaha.

    Thank you for the translation! :D
