Ryuichi: That was great. Are you having fun, everyone? As for our tenth anniversary -- well, that was as of March 14th -- we really got a lot of congratulations. Saying that it's been ten years is kind of scary for us. But we got a lot of congratulatory messages from our fans, who wanted to share their feelings with us. Thank you for that. When we started w-inds., I began to learn to play the guitar. It's been ten years since then. Will you listen to me play? Um, this is by Radio Foundation. They've been around for around three years. The person who sings the lead vocals writes the songs himself. Please listen to this: Fade Away.
Some day
in the morning
I'll go back
somewhere, they're putting it into magazines
i'm walking onwards
to the blue dawn in front of my eyes
there's no more love to be gained.
there's nothing now.
everything's coming forth as a memory
and just like that, even the world is erased