Thursday, June 30, 2011

Web Isshukan 10th Anniversary Long Interview [Part Two]

From the black bar:

w-inds. appearing in five consecutive weeks!                                            
2:  Confessions of reminiscences from [PV] shootings, back in the day 

----- Up until now w-inds. best of albums have been released, but this time two versions were simultaneously released, and this organization was a very entertaining endeavor.

Keita: There have been a lot of dance numbers with this recent w-inds., but there are also songs with pretty melodies.I think it was a good thing that we released such two-coloured forms. We'e put in all our singles up to now and with the coupling songs and album songs, everyone can choose. But they might have unexpected decided already [note: on which one to buy...?]

----- Were there any songs that you absolutely wanted to add, without a second thought?

Keita: There are! For me it was Somewhere in Time, but it's something I've liked for a long time!

Ryuichi: Is that so?

Ryohei: Haha. (lol) mimicking Ryuichi: Is that so?"

Keita: Yes, that is so (lol).

Ryuichi: For me, it's also Somewhere in Time.

Keita: We're together on this, huh~ (lol). For a long time, I've liked the world appearance of the lyrics and the melody, and I especially like Sabi's lyrics. I just go, "Kyun!" I get this really pure feeling [from it].

Ryuichi: It is pure, isn't it. You feel youthful... Maybe I'll call out my love~

Keita: Those aren't the lyrics. [literally: There aren't lyrics like that]

All: laughs (lol)

Keita: The thing about that song is, [it makes me] think about the music we sung back in those days. And I think it was Hayama-san who wrote that song for us. It feels like we're looking back at our middle school or high school days.

Ryuichi: there hve definitely been times where we've remembered our past songs, and at those times I remember we'd listen to them and we remembered every single thing. dBest of My Love was made for s by Hayama-san, but it's a bit of a sentimental medium tone song and he said he personally wanted to put himself into the song. This time I want to put myself into it, and I think I've almost completed it.

Ryuichi: As for me, I'm glad we were able to put in Some More or Nothing is Impossible, and our recent songs. It's an album explaining the ten years it took us [to get here], so it's not just about the songs of our past, but you want to listen to recent songs too, so i'm glad two were put in!

----- During your singles, speaking of, is there a particularly memorable song?

Ryuichi: For me, our most recent number was the most [memorable]. It's left an impression on me.

Keita: When it comes to singles, with every song there are memories. I remember many nice moments. Like when we'd be making our music videos,  you'd get this kind of thing. For example, [when we were doing] Because of You, everyone was doing fireworks outisde and I was the only one left behind. For example. (lol)

Ryuichi & Ryohei: WHAAAAT?

Ryohei: That's happened before?

Ryuichi: You were left behind?

Keita: It happened, it happened! (lol).

Ryuichi: Keita was the only one left behind? Saying "Isn't someone there...?"

Keita: Yeah. When I was playing a game or something and winding down in the room above that warehouse, when it looked like everyone had started doing fireworks outside of the building. When I thought, "Everyone is laughing... it looks like fun," they had stopped the fireworks.

Ryuichi: (sharply says) It was fun, that time (lol).

Ryohei: Yeah, it was (lol). But that's a surprise, isn't it, that we seem to have forgotten one person.

Ryuichi: Mmm, I think so, too (lol).

Keita: Do you two have something?

Ryohei: A memory, [you mean]?

Keita: Yeah. Such as, during the shooting of Paradox, even though the water was adding up, we ended up waiting for eight hours.

----- Eight hours?!

Ryohei: Ah, that! Eight hours was long.

Ryuichi: Once, I wanted to go home (lol).

Keita: For me, that one memory was fine so I remember it well, but at first they said we'd wait for four hours. I thought, "If we're waiting for four hours, I won't sleep!" So I woke up and waited. Even though everyone slept.

Ryohei: I slept, i slept! 爆睡 (lol)

Keita: I thought if it was four hours I wouldn't sleep, but it became eight hours and I was like, "If that's the case I would [have] slept!" (lol). The others slept for eight hours and were in a good mood when they woke up!

Ryohei: Yeah, we were.

Keita: It was only tough for me, who hadn't slept!

Ryuichi: It was only Keita who hadn't slept, so during the shooting there was some kind of weird tension (lol).

Keita: Even with other PV shootings, basically, I don't sleep during the waiting time. These two often do, though (lol).

Ryuichi; But when we did Let's get it on you slept!

Keita: Aah, I did that time (lol).

Ryuichi: But after all, Keita's energy at these times is amazing. His concentration is.

Keita: I'm okay without sleeping from 7:00 in the morning 7:00 in the next morning!

----- Speaking of, after your last interview, we got questions asking, "What time does Keita sleep?"from our readers' responses.

Keita: I...

Ryuichi: (as expected) Keita usually sleeps from from 5 AM to 11:00.

Keita: Hey, wait a minute! Why are you answering for me? (lol) I was talking (lol).

Ryuichi: Because I'm your wife!

Everyone: Ahahahaha (laughs)/

Keita: It differs from day to day, but recently I've been sleeping a lot. I sleep around 3:00 and wake up around 9:00. When I sleep around 6:00, I'll wake up around 11:00.

----- So you sleep for around 5~6 hours.

Keita: Yes, I do. I get a complete rest!

----- Normally I have no sense to sleep around dawn, so maybe that's why it's weird to sleep... (lol).

Ryohei: Ah, I suppose so. I usually sleep for around three hours~.

----- That's late, isn't it.

Ryohei: It might always be that way.

Ryuichi: And me, I can sleep from 12:00 AM [or 0:00] to 12:00 AM [0:00]!!

----- That's 24 hours?! (lol).

Keita: Ryuichi-kun is always sleeping~! Really. He'll sleep a lot, and in the morning [I'll] be surprised because he overslept. To me.

Ryuichi: I haven't recently, though, right? (lol)

Keita: Ahaha (lol).

Ryuichi: You were surprised, weren't you?

Keita: There's no meaning just talking about sleeping but oversleeping (lol). ...Now talk about your memories of the PV shootings~, just like I did! I'm all alone (lol).

Ryohei: Is it okay If I talk about my PV memories?!

----- Definitely! (lol).

Ryohei: We entered the Kawari Yuku Sora PV [shooting] at 4:00 in the morning...?

Keita: It was 3:00, right!

Ryohei: You remember well, don't you? The camera took [or shot] the sunrise, and they did so very prettily. Even looking at it now, I think, "That's so beautiful~" [We were] also blessed with good weather, and it was a really good PV.

Ryuichi: For me it's Boogie Woogie 66. They shot live scenes from Kobe Park, and that made it a good PV.

Keita: We did take it [there]~. Anything else?

Ryuichi: Truth~ Saigo no Shinjitsu. Here we also had live scenes.

Keita: That's right. Where we were laughing (lol)?!

Ryuichi: It was fun because we got to do it in Hong Kong.

Keita: The PV shooting, everything... I remember it all!

Ryuichi: Yeah. And then with Yakusoku no Kakera, Keita-kun was holding a mannequin's hand.

Keita: That was Addicted to Love (lol).

Ryuichi: Whaaat?! My memory...!!

Everyone: ahahaha (lol)

Note: I do not own this interview. Respective rights go to web isshukan. 
To be directed to the original post, please click here.
Please note that the note top portion I did not translate is a contest to win the autographed photo; unfortunately, you must have a Japanese residence to do so. Then there is the advertisements of their new best-of albums. The page also gives a description of this interview series. Please comment below if you would like me to translate this part.

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