Saturday, July 9, 2011

Web Isshukan 10th Anniversary Long Interview [Part Three]

w-inds. appearing in five consecutive weeks!                                                
3: Changing music and fashion                                                                      

----- Is there a song of yours whose lyrics you've come to understand more now, in comparison to the past?

Ryuichi: There are so many! First off is Long Road.

Keita: Isn't that true.

Ryuichi: At that time, we didn't realize that there wasn't anything that we'd really lost... And now, I get the feeling that, at the time, there really wasn't anything to lose. [quoting "Long Road": nakusu mono sae nani mo nai kara...]

----- When you released it, was there a certain song that surprised you with [the fan's] reactions?
at the same time:

Keita: Kirei da!

Ryuichi: In the Stars. Oh.. Kirei da was kinda...

Keita: Ahaha. It seems I lost. You look like... when two cards are given out at the same time, and yours is better. [literal: yours was stronger]

Ryuichi: I was strong~. Guess there's no helping it! lol

Keita: Sorry, sorry. lol

Ryuichi: With the image that we'd been waiting for, the response when we releaesd Kirei da was a bit different [than expected].

----- What do you think when you hear your past singing voice?

Keita: It's young! (lol) I think it's a pure voice. I'd thought that in Forever Memories or Somewhere in Time, it was because of the singing voices that those songs were really good. Now when I sing them, it's a bit different, after all. It's kinda like, "You gotta be kidding me!" (lol) But listening with that voice back then, we felt without a second thought, _________  [i'm sorry, i don't understand what sunnari is]

Ryuichi: But you know, music can be misunderstood. The thing about misinterpreted music is... even if i'm in a completely different situation, by actually singing we become heroes... i think that's what that means!

----- You just say such wonderful things so casually.

Ryuichi: Yes, that's right. I just say such wonderful things so casually!

----- Usually when you're listening back to your songs, is there one that you often choose?

Keita: Somewhere in Time. As you hear it, it's like we're all singing together. Doing that, it's somewhat different.

Ryuichi: Like I said, music can be misinterpreted, so it's okay!

Keita: No... Ryuichi-kun, you don't get it, do you~

Ryuichi: What? Liar---! Tell Me!

Ryohei: "Tell Me!"... lol

Keita: Ahaha. lol When we sing now and when we sang in the past is different.

----- What about Ryohei-kun?

Ryohei: Recently it's been Izayoi no Tsuki.

Keita: That's a good song!

Ryuichi: I like our new songs. Our new products are uplifting, and i can also think about our [next] lives.

Keita: It's got [a sense of] freshness, and it really is different, after all. With western clothes, it would really look good when we go buy new ones. But with us always wearing them, doesn't it seem like... somehow that won't look as good?

Ryuichi: It does, it does!

Ryohei: Yeah, you'd lose interest in it!

Keita: It's weird, huh. But if it's someone you've just met that's looking at you, they'd definitely see it as [a first impression of] your fashion, right?

Ryohei: Definitely. 

Keita: That's why I'm always thinking it's so weird. Thinking, "The fresh power of a first impression" is so amazing. 

Ryohei: do you have such western clothes that people have recently taken an interest in??

Keita What? (We're kind of getting off-topic), but is that okay? lol

----- It's fine! lol I'd think that the fans all want to know, so... 

Ryuichi I'm ato. Before this, I was wearing a costume.

Keita Ah! Nice!

Ryuichi Oh. By ato, I don't mean Atou Kai. 

----- Ahaha! That's right. Not Atou-san.

Keita: I know! (lol) But still, ato doesn't talk about Atou Kai-san. (lol)

Ryuichi: Yeah. That costume had a black jacket, but there are studs casually dotting the collar. Me, I don't like them at all, but...

Keita: Definitely.

Ryuichi: But I was thinking, "that's really cool!" But after all, haven't the things we like changed by bit through the years? I wonder if that's what you call 'changing times'. 

Keita: recently I've liked the casual style. In winter I liked suits and hard jackets. 

Ryuichi: That's 'cause in the summer you're always wearing your clothes of muscles!

Keita: Er, not really, but... 

Ryuichi: .... 

----- Even worse,  you've been rejected, huh. (lol)

Keita Ahaha. (lol) I think in the summer, I can go with a casual fashion.

----- What about you, Ryohei-kun?

Ryohei I'm the same as [the person] on my right (Keita)

Keita You pick casual first?

Ryohei It's unfortunate, but at one point, I want[ed] to wear a tailored jacket or shirt. I'd have a necktie, and when I was going to our workplace I thought I wanted to dressed up, but...

----- Is that so?

Ryuichi: and you were stretching!

Ryohei: Er, not stretching...

Keita(jokingly imitates Ryuichi) <hits him>

Ryuichi Ow... (lol)

Ryohei (lol) Somehow the feeling..

Ryuichi  Switched?

Ryohei Yeah. It's kind of... [well,] recently we've really stopped wearing our old western clothes.

Ryuichi  We've changed, huh~.

Ryohei Changed, right? i did.

Ryuichi Yeah. I changed, too.

Keita  We're changing, our fashion style. Even though we'd see a fashion as "Ew, no way!" we'd take note of it and end up wearing it.

Ryuichi  I get that! To become a favourite, it comes [into play] from [a sense of] dislike! 

All: ahahaha (lol)

Keita:  That saying is famous! It's not Ryuichi's own definition. I learned that when I was an elementary school student. 

Keita  It's kind of like a "my copyright" feeling.

All: ahaha (laughs)

note: Kai Atou is a Japanese actor born in the mid forties. He's been in movies, dramas, and theatre productions. Thanks to Wikipedia Japan for this information. 
I'm sorry I couldn't find the word "sunnari" in the dictionary.

To be directed to the original article, please click here.


  1. I finally got to read it! XD. I like when the three being together.
    I like the way they talk and play together.
    They have grown a lot in both the men themselves and their music.
    And I'm so looking forward to the happiness and excitement they gonna bring us more!

    Thank you so much for your time to translate this interview.
    You were right, it's totally my incentive after hard work! ^[+++++]^

  2. Yes, their spirit is truly amusing. XD
    they've changed so much! their current music is modern and American-esque, to me. and even though they look older and all, sometimes they still act like kids. ^-^
